by Andrea ("Angie")


Jonny lay in his bed, still awake.The Quest Compound was silent. Jonny and the others had a long day, but at last he had it: Surd's Programming Chip. With the chip, Surd could've easily taken and Questworld (QW.) At least they'd stopped him. Jonny smiled to himself and closed his eyes. He needed his rest.

Click! A sound Jonny knew all too well. A gun was pointed to his head. He abruptly woke up, heart pounding. "Get up! Now! And don't even think of sayin' a word!"  said Julia. Jonny did as told. Julia handcuffed him and gagged him. She then led him out to the helicopter, with the gun to his back. "Jeremiah would like to have a word with you!" Julia smiled fiendishly.

In Surd's chopper, Jonny tried to break free, but it was no use. Handcuffs are much harder than ropes. What does Surd want this time? he wondered. Only time would tell.

Soon, they'd reached Surd's hideout. Julia led Jonny inside. She removed his handcuffs and the mouth gag, but held him tight at the arm, and still pointed the gun to his back.
"Ah, Julia. You've done well!" said Surd.
"All right Surd, cut to the chase. What do you want this time?!"  said Jonny.
"Don't try that with me -- You know just exactly what I want!"
Jonny thought. Of course! "The programming chip? Don't push your luck, I don't have it!"
"Don't lie to me, boy! I know you have it and I want it!"  yelled Surd impatiently.
Jonny didn't know what to do, or what to say.
"Julia! Log us into QW!" ordered Surd. Julia obeyed. She slammed Jonny in the chair and pushed the button, closing the straps, and keeping Jonny locked in it. "Questworld Logon, Subjects: Jonny Quest and Jeremiah Surd." said Surd.


"There's no where to run, boy!"  yelled Surd. He drew a virtual sword.
Jonny looked around. Nothing. Nowhere to run, Nowhere to hide. He swallowed hard. "Activate gappling gun!" he shouted. He fired a few shots at Surd but not a single one touched him, though his aim was true.
Oh, man! He must be protected by a force field! thought Jonny. 
"Activate light shield!"  shouted Jonny. He ran, making sure to be protected by the shield. Surd broke the shield. He pulled out those grabby wire rope things (*-don't know what they're called!-*), and grabbed Jonny. He sent an electrical shock through his body.
"That'll finish you!.... Julia! Log us out of QW!"  said Surd.


"Julia, search the boy! I know he has that chip!" commanded Surd.
Julia searched Jonny and found the chip in his front jeans pocket.
"Good! Now program it in to QW!" Surd smiled.


Hadji gazed at the clock. "Oh my! It's 10:30 already! It's not like Jonny to sleep so late!"
"Relax, Hadji! He was probably up late... or havin' a good dream! That's all!"  said Jessie.
"I'm going to have to go with Hadji. Jonny never sleeps so late -- he's an early riser!"  said Dr. Quest.
"I'll go check on him."  said Race.

Race turned the corner and walked down the hall to Jonny's room and knocked on the door. He waited for a moment, then said, "Jonny? Are you up?"  He waited. No answer.He slowly opened the door and peered inside. He gasped. The window was wide open, and Jonny was nowhere to be found.

He walked back, where the others were. He was wide-eyed and just stared straight ahead. He was frowning.
"Race? What's wrong?!"  asked Dr. Quest.
He said in a monotone voice, "Jonny's gone."


Julia was just programming the chip into QW when Jonny regained conciousness. It took him a while to remember what happened, and figure out how he ended up on the floor. He quietly got up, turned Julia around, and punched her across the face. She fell to the ground. Surd did all he could do: roll his handicap chair forward into Jonny. This knocked him down and he hit his head on the corner of a nearby table. He couldn't get up for a while.
"I've had enough of you, boy!"  yelled Surd. Jonny moaned in pain.


"Find anything yet, Hadji?"  asked Dr. Quest.
"I'm afraid not, Dr. Quest."
"Wait! How about the security tapes?" asked Jessie.
"Of course! I hope they're not damaged! It could be our only hope of finding Jonny!"  said Dr. Quest.
They played back the tape to see Julia break in and take Jonny.
"Poor Jonny! I hope he's OK!" said Jessie.
"Surd..."  muttered Dr. Quest angrily.
Before anyone could say anything else, Race was out the door.
"Do not worry Dr. Quest. If I know Jonny as well as I think I do.. I have a feeling he will be all right."  said Hadji.
"I hope your right, Hadji... for Jonny's sake." he said.


Jonny moaned softly. But he got up, sure enough. Luckily, Julia was still unconcious. Jonny grabbed the chip. "This should have been done a long time ago!!" shouted Jonny. 
"NOOOO! DON'T TOUCH THAT CH--"  yelled Surd.
Too late. Jonny had smashed the chip.
"What have you done?!"  yelled Surd.
"Put an end to your idea of QW!"
Jonny was about to leave when Julia got up and pointed her gun at him. She slammed him back in the chair and pushed the button. Just then Race rushed in.
"Jonny! You're OK!"  said Race, relieved.
"Race? Am I ever glad to see you! But how did y--"
"I'll explain later, kiddo."
"Mr. Bannon, how nice of you to join us!"  said Surd. Julia pointed her gun at Race.
"Hands up, Bannon!"  commanded Julia. Race put up his hands.
"Surd, let the boy go! It's me you want!"  said Race.
"Hmm.. I suppose you're right. But I couldn't jest let him go for nothing, you see." said Race.
"And what is it you want?!" asked Race.
"I want you to work for me!"  said Surd.
"Race! No!" shouted Jonny.
Race ignored him. "Fine. Just let him go." said Race. He looked down at the ground.
"Julia.."  said Surd. She released Jonny. The moment he stood up she handcuffed Race's hands behind his back. A tear came from Jonny's eye.
"!"  he said softly.
"Jonny, go home with your dad. Go on."  said Race.
"But Race! What about Jessie?! What about Hadji, and my dad? Who's going to look after us? Especially Jessie?!"  said Jonny.
Race had to close his eyes in order not to cry.
"Look after them for me, Jonny. Especially.... Jessie."  he said. His voice was shaky. More tears came from Jonny's eyes. He turned around. Julia grabbed him, and handcuffed his hands behind his back.
"Hey! What the --!"  started Jonny.
Race opened his eyes, and looked towards Jonny. "Surd! I said let the boy go!"  said Race angrily.
"Mr. Bannon! I would you know me better by now! I never keep my end of the bargain."  said Surd. He smiled. Race was furious. He turned around, and kicked Julia so hard, she was knocked unconcious. The key to the handcuffs fell from her hand. Race unlocked Jonny's cuffs, and Jonny unlocked Race's.
"Race! I'm so glad you're OK!"  said Jonny.
"Yeah, that goes for me too. Let's call the police, and get outta here!"  said Race.
"I'm with you!"  said Jonny.


(c) Andrea Bloom 1998