DISCLAIMER: OK, already!!! ALL RIGHT! ALL RIGHT! We ALL know I do NOT own these guys,
and I have no money, which implies that I make no money (Just Comments) off this! So.................... K!
My new fan fic!

by Andrea Bloom

"Love means never having to say good-bye." That's what I say. Jonny thought so too. I was 17, and he
was 16, and I had finally given him a chance. Well, he proved me wrong. He loved me more than life
itself. And that's why I feel so guilty. Well, you see, it started about aweek ago.... the problems, that is. 
Jonny was complaining about his job, and his future.

"Jessie! I can't live like this! I'm making close to nothing a week! What kind of life is that for you?!" 
bellowed Jonny.

"Jonny, remember what I told you? The only life that matters to me is if I spend it with you," I
insisted. "I love you, and I don't care if we live out in the streets of Manhattan, I just want to be
with you for the rest of my life."

Jonny knew I was right, but he didn't want to believe it. I could see it in his eyes he was hurting.
Time went by, the week drove on, and Jonny came home every day, a little more depressed than
the day before. But today was the worst yet. He had gone from more depressed to a helpless cause.

"Jonny, what's wrong? You're late," I asked, in concern.

"Jessie, I can't lie to you. Today, I got fired. I spent the rest of the afternoon searching for a new job, 
maybe a better one. You know, you were right. I should have stayed in school! And I want you to
know, I wanted to. I really did. But with Dad and Race gone, I just can't afford it. My life is over!!"

"Jonny, listen to me! Do you love me? Do you really really love me?"

"I love you more than life itself! I mean, not my life, you wouldn't want my life. The life of the most 
loving man in the world!"

"I don't want some other man's life! I want yours! Do you love me more than your OWN life?!"

"I can't say I do, because than I wouldn't love you very much, as my life is worth nothing. We'll end up 
someday on America's Most Wanted. I don't want that life for you."

I couldn't say anything there. I just had to hope things would get better, but I saw no signs.



"Do you remember two years ago? I mean, when you liked Hadji?"

"I didn't like Hadji!"

"Oh, come on. It was obvious."

"THAT obvious? YOU noticed?"

"Yeah, Hadji did too!"

"Well, I can see THIS conversation is going nowhere!"

"No, Jess, wait. You have Hadji's number, right? 'The World's Smartest Scientest Ever to Have Lived, and
at Only Age 19.' Call him, Jessie. I think he still has a crush on you."

"Jonny, I like Hadji, he's my friend, but I love you!"

Jonny got up then, he walked right up to me. He looked my deep in the eyes. I could see the pain in his
heart by looking into them.

"Jessie, I-I-I'm really, very sorry that I have to do this to you, b-b-b-but i-it's for, your own good." His 
voice shook so much when he said that.


You may not have seen that coming, and I didn't either. Well, I regained conciousness a few minutes
later. It was almost as if Jonny had planned this. Well, the car was gone, and so was Jonny. I called 911
to report the missing teen.

An hour later they had found the car, with Jonny inside it. It was driven off the nearby bridge, and Jonny 
was dead. They had an autopsy done on him, and it was ruled as a suicide. Well, I confirmed that with
them. I told them the whole story. He was placed in Quest Cemetery with Dr. Quest, Race, my Mom,
 Bandit, Mrs. Quest, Grandpa and Grandma Quest, and many others. And that's where I stand now.
I realized Jonny loved me more than life itself. He died to make MY life better. That's why I blame myself. 
That's why I stand here with a knife in my hand. And that is why I am killing myself now. To be with my 
love. Love means never having to say Good-bye. That's not what Jonny did, and that's not what I intend
to do.

Jessie Bannon died that night, and her body was placed beside Jonny's. Hadji came and cried. He was now 
the only living Quest member, and he was a Singh. However, the Quest name will have no end. They will
live on forever.


Did you like it? Email me at Jessie-Bannon@usa.net and tell me, please! It inspires me!