Dark as Night part 1
        They were going out to a fancy restuarnt.  Okay it was Pizza Hut, but
that didn't matter to Johnny & Jessie Quest.  All that mattered was they
loved each other.  They were going to go to a romantic dinner for 2 but
they had to meet Hadji Singh at the airport at 4:30.
        Hadji was Johnny's adopted brother and the sultan of Bangalore,India. 
He was coming to vist Dr.Quest & help him with the computer system. 
What was really weird he didn't see Johnny & Jessie & it was 6 in the
morning!  The were always on time or early!  Just then a police officer
came up to him.
        "Hadji Singh"
        "Come with me 2 of your friends Jessie & Johnny Quest are in critical

                                                Sara Allison

(c) Sara Allison 1998