DISCLAIMER:JQ belongs to HB I am only borrowing the characters for fun

ARCHIVERS: I'd be honored

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a Race Fic. Come on you guys, we need MORE of
them! I have done my best to do justice to all the characters in TRA
even if I don't always spell their names right.

CATAGORY: Hmm, the start of the adventure part that led to all this

BY SHENSA swndc@sprintmail.com


    The phone rang shrilly rousing Race Bannon rudely from a lazy early
afternoon nap. The book he had been reading toppled to the floor with a
thud as he reached for the phone.
     "Quest residence, Bannon speaking"
    He yawned hugely as he waited for the other party to speak. There
was a long moment of silence and he scowled irritably at this unwanted
intrusion on a rare day off. The voice on the other end of the line
spoke tentatively, devoid of its usual throaty purr.
     "Race? It's Jade I...I need your help."

    He set the phone down slowly, face grim his eyes colder then the
winds off a glacier. He remained still as stone for a time, thinking
back to all the mistakes he had ever made in his life; coming to the
conclusion that this would have to be his biggest. 
     "You're nothing but trouble lady but I owe you one."
    Then after soundly cursing himself for a fool. He jogged quickly up
the stairs to his room and began to pack his gear.

    The three teens raced for the house at breakneck speed not slowing
their pace as the narrow space loomed closer. The pounding of their feet
and the slap of their backpacks the only sound they made. Then suddenly
with a burst of speed a red-haired streak leaped ahead crossing first. 
     "I win! I get first dibs on Questworld!" Screeched Jessie
breathlessly a second before her pursuers collided shoulder to shoulder
in the doorway. The two boys burst through and went flailing across the
floor and into a small stack of neatly piled luggage.
    Race came down the stairs as the thuds echoed throughout the house.
He raised an irritated brow when he took in the sprawled teens and his
scattered gear.
     "Man, Hadj' are you sure you don't want to try out for Varsity?"
questioned Jonny rubbing a newly bruised shoulder.
     "Hi dad!" came an excited voice. "What's all this?" asked Jessie as
she planted a quick kiss on his cheek and gestured toward the suitcases.
     "Yeah Race, where are we going?"
     "Not we Jonny, me" he replied dragging the kid off a suitcase and
then hoisting Hadji to his feet. The Indian boy gave-up trying to rewind
his turban and dropped the whole tangled mess into his backpack.
     "You? where are you going?" asked Jessie suspiciously, emerald eyes
narrowing a fraction.
    Race took a deep breath. "I'm headed to Cairo Ponchita, just for a
couple of days. A...friend has gotten themselves into some hot water and
asked if I'd help out."
     "Another pal from your infamous agency days I suppose."
    Race didn't say a word, the less they knew the better.
     "Cairo and the land of the pharoahs" spoke Hadji with all the
mystery of a tour guide leading his charges through the dusty tomb of
some dead Egyptian king. Jonny and Jessie shuddered turning less than
enthusiastic looks upon their friend as they remembered their last
experience in that mysterious land.
     "Well, I won't be doing much sight-seeing this is strictly
business; no camel rides or Nile cruises for this cowboy."
     "Camel rides make me sea-sick" complained Jessie "and that smell
sure didn't do much for me either."
     "That's a good one Jess', how can a camel make you sea-sick?"
     "Well my friend, they are called 'The Ships of the Desert'"
answered Hadji cryptically.
    Race left the three teens bickering in the lobby as he headed toward
the library to make a final call to Benten. He checked his watch, not
much time left. He should be at the airport by now checking the Ghost
and reviewing his flight plan.
     "Quit draggin' your feet Bannon, it's too late to turn tail now" he
    He turned to face his daughter "what's-up Ponchita?"
     "I thought I'd ask you the same thing" she answered pointedly. "Who
*are* you going to meet in Cairo?" came the level question.
    He decided he was too tired to make-up some crazy story to hide the
truth; besides this was Jessie, she deserved a straight answer. Hell, he
bet she probably already had most of it figured out anyway. Her gaze was
just a little too bright and she had her jaw set at that same obstinate
angle Estella employed just before her stormy temper cut loose.
     "Jade's gotten herself into trouble with some business associates
and she needs a little assistance."
     "Uh huh, so in other words Jade has stolen something she wasn't
supposed too and now half of the criminals in the free world are on her
tail and she can't charm her way out of it so she calls *my* father to
come riding in on his white horse and save the day" she finished
    He laughed despite himself, ruefully shaking his head; beauty and
brains, not to mention a wicked sense of humor just like her mom.
     "Well, you always were smarter then the average bear Ponchita and
you know how I feel about white horses."
     "Dad! Give me a break!"
     "Jessie listen to me" his eyes grew cold and serious as he caught
her gaze, with one stride he narrowed the gap between them.
     "I like this even less then you but it's something I have to do. I
don't trust her any more then I'd trust a blind guide dog in a quicksand
obstacle course. But I owe her one and I always pay my debts."
    The hard edge of his voice left no room for argument. He took a deep
     "Now how about rounding-up Jonny and Hadji and heading to the
airport. I'll be taking the Ghost, you can help with the pre-flight?"
     "Sure...I'll get the guys." 

     "I'm going to miss you dad" she hugged him tight.
     "I'll miss you too Ponchita" he held her in a big bear-hug. "No
slackin' on your homework while I'm gone, promise?"
     "I promise" she murmured against his shoulder.
     "Dad, I don't want you to go. I...I have a bad feeling about this."
     *You and me both Ponchita* he thought silently.
    He looked at his watch. "Time for lift-off podners, can't miss my
window. I don't suppose I have to tell you three to behave yourselves
while I'm gone. No giving the good doctor any gray hairs."
     "Well, we figure we've done a pretty good job with you, so my dad
should be safe."
     "Funny kid" he grabbed Jonny in a headlock.
     "You're the only one with any sense around here Hadj' keep these
two in line for me will you?"
     "I will do my best Race but who can say if it is the rock or the
stream that yields to the other."
     "Well...whatever, just stay out of trouble."
    Jessie caught his arm. "I don't suppose it will do me any good to
tell *you* to be careful."
     "You know me Ponchita, I'll be as careful as a lightening-bug in a
dynamite factory."
    She scowled in exasperation "cute dad."

    He let out a whoop as the plane roared down the runway; struggled
for a brief moment against its bonds then charged free leaping into the
air. God he loved this plane, sure the Dragonfly was a great machine and
it could beat the Ghost hands down but the Leer was strictly his and
that made all the difference in the world.
    As the silver jet rocketed across the Atlantic he grinned and
reached over, searching through a small case in the seat next to him.
Soon the sounds of Led Zeppelin echoed over the drone of the engines and
the rush of air against the Leer's sleek sides. But not even the
plaintive wail of Stairway to Heaven and the thrill of the jet could
drive away the uneasiness that settled like a storm cloud over his mood.

    He touched down in Cairo already finding himself facing the blazing
furnace of an Egyptian summer day as he taxied the Ghost across the
baking tarmac. It was a far cry from the gray drizzle and welcoming
green of Scotland where he had stopped to refuel and lay-over for a few
hours after the Atlantic crossing. 
    Waves of heat rose so shimmering thick that the ground crew looked
like nothing more then deformed shadows. The desert winds mixed with the
trail of the engines whipping-up dust devils that scoured the ground and
anything unlucky enough to get caught in their path. The gauge read a
balmy 101.
     "At least its a dry heat" he muttered sarcastically.
    He pulled the Ghost up in front of a glistening new hanger far away
from the hub of everyday commercial traffic and cut the engines. Before
him waited a small ground crew and a white sedan with his welcoming
    He gathered his gear and opened the door, bracing for the blast of
hot air. It was like slamming into a brick wall.
     *It had to be July, what would have been so wrong with October?* He
questioned irritably as he stepped onto the tarmac ignoring the heat
working its way through the soles of his boots.
    A tall thin man with a drooping paunch stepped from the comfort of
the air-conditioned sedan. Squinted against the blinding glare of the
sun off the sides of the jet and mopped his brow with the handkerchif
clutched in his fist.
     "Ah, it is good to have you back in the land of the pharoahs Mr.
Bannon. I trust your family is healthy and well? Again I apologize for
your last visit."
     "Not to worry Kadesh, it's all forgotten by now" lied Race.
    He flashed his passport and the set of diplomatic papers. He hadn't
given up all his perks, it still paid to have friends in high places."
     Inspector Kadesh perrused the documents before handing them back to
Race with a grin. 
     "Well, I am satisfied that everything is in order here. Enjoy your
stay in Kemet Mr. Bannon. I hope it will be more pleasant then your
last" he chirped cheerfully. 
     "I wouldn't be so sure about that" muttered Race as he left the
smiling official standing in the bright glow of the Egyptian sun.

END PART 2: Blood and Jade