Meanwhile, Hadji wrestled with Jessie's guard on the deck.  The bigger man
took a swing at Hadji's head, but Hadji ducked and kicked the guard in the
stomach.  Staggering backwards, the guard pulled something from his belt. 
Hadji's eyes narrowed as he caught the glint of a metal, and without
warning he struck out with his foot, knocking the knife from the guard's
hand.  The man lunged for the knife, but Hadji caught his arm and flipped
him to the deck.  The guard stared up with glassy eyes as Hadji stood over
him.  "This is for Jessie," he said coldly, and the guard's body went limp
as Hadji's heel slammed into his head.
Hadji raced to the rail of the boat as Jonny turned them around, back to
where Jessie had been thrown overboard.  Scanning the waves desperately,
Hadji saw a piece of rope floating on the surface.  Taking a deep breath,
he leaped over the rail and plunged into the frigid water.  Kicking
furiously, he swam deeper into the murky water.  At last Hadji saw Jessie's
sinking form a few meters away.  Swimming to her quickly, he caught her in
his arm and shot to the surface.
Jonny let out his breath with a rush when he saw Hadji resurface with
Jessie in his arms and swim for the nearby shore.  Jonny had already used
the ship's radio to contact Dr. Quest and Race, and he could now hear the
hum of their approaching helicopter.  Jonny quickly finished tying up
Jessie's kidnappers before jumping into the smaller, faster speedboat.  By
the time he reached the shore, Hadji had lifted Jessie onto the pier and
laid her down.  Tears blurred Jonny's vision as he dropped down beside
Jessie and took her hand.  "Come on, Jess," he whispered.  "You can't give
up now."
Hadji didn't even notice Jonny.  Blinded by tears, he remained bent over
Jessie, his lips pressed to hers, desperately forcing air into her lungs. 
Suddenly Jonny cried out, "She has a pulse! She's gonna make it!"
Shaking, Hadji sat back and felt Jessie's wrist.  After a moment she began
to cough up water, and he lifted her head gently.  Breathing at last,
Jessie opened her eyes and saw Hadji.  For a second she heard the buzz of
an approaching helicopter.  Then she blacked out again.
Relieved that Jessie was alive but still more than a little concerned,
Hadji quickly lifted her into his arms and ran towards the Quests'
helicopter with Jonny close behind.  Race took one look at Hadji's lifeless
burden and immediately lifted off as soon as Jonny grabbed the edge of the
door.  Dr. Quest turned to pull his son into the cockpit and then radioed
the hospital, seeing his fear mirrored in Jonny's eyes as he glanced back
at his adopted daughter.  Jessie's lips were ghostly pale and all color was
gone from her face except for where the men had hit her.  Purplish bruises
were already beginning to darken her temple and jaw, and blood trickled
from a cut on her mouth.  Her shirt was torn where the guard had kicked
her, and Dr. Quest guessed that some of her ribs were broken.
In the back of the helicopter Hadji held Jessie close against him, trying
to keep her warm.  He quickly pulled off his turban and wrapped it tightly
around her ribcage, hoping fervently that he wasn't causing her additional
pain.  Silently taking Jonny's offered jacket, he didn't notice his own
shivering as he gingerly folded her into the soft covering.  He tore a
strip from his sleeve and dabbed gently at her cut lip while Jonny tried to
rub some warmth into her hands.  As they neared the hospital, Hadji drew
Jessie closer, letting her head rest under his chin, and concentrated all
his mental energy on offering her his strength.    
Jessie fought her way slowly back to consciousness, struggling to make
sense of her memories.  She remembered fighting the man on the ship, and
seeing Hadji and Jonny in the speedboat.  She recalled shouting for Hadji,
and then the sensation of falling for a long time.  The last thing she
remembered was Hadji's face close to hers, his eyes filled with worry and
something else she couldn't name.
"Hadji…?" Jessie breathed softly as she finally opened her eyes.  She was
lying in a hospital bed in a darkened room, and to her left she could make
out the dim shape of another bed.  Hadji sat in a chair to her right,
holding her hand in both of his.  Even in the semi-darkness she could see
that he looked tired, and a large bruise darkened one side of his face.  He
wore no turban, and his hair was damp and disheveled.
Hadji leaned forward eagerly as Jessie stirred and whispered his name. 
"Jessie, I'm here," he said softly, bending closer.  "You are safe now." 
She looked up into his face, his eyes dark and intense staring into hers.
"Hadji," she said again, her eyes filling with unexpected tears.  She
reached for him, and he gently wrapped his arms around her and held her
After a long moment Hadji reluctantly let go of Jessie and stood up.  "I
should go tell Race that you are awake," he said.
"Dad's all right?" asked Jessie.  "And the others?"
"Everyone is fine," answered Hadji.  "But Race has been worried sick about
you.  We thought he was going to do something rash until Dr. Quest
suggested that he go question the men who did this to you."  Hadji's voice
turned hard with anger.  "When we find out who was responsible for this,
I'll---"  He broke off and turned away.  "I will tell the others that you
are awake."
"Hadji, wait." Jessie grabbed his hand.  "Please don't go.  I don't want to
be alone right now."  Her voice was pleading, and he could see the shadows
of fear in her eyes.  Struck with pity, Hadji sat down again and took her
hand in his.  He had always thought that Jessie was one of the strongest
people he knew, but as he looked down at her little hand engulfed in his
big one she seemed suddenly small and helpless.  At that moment he wanted
nothing more than to protect her from all harm, to guard her with his life.
 Squeezing her hand, he raised his eyes to her face and watched some of the
fear leave her eyes.  
Jessie took a deep breath, wincing at the pain in her side.  "When they
kidnapped me," she began quietly after a moment, "I was so scared that they
might have killed you and all my family.  I wanted to die rather than live
without anyone."  She paused for a moment, closing her eyes, and when she
spoke again her voice was filled with shame.  "I'm so sorry to have caused
all this.  Everyone's lives were in danger because of me, because I fell
right into their trap.  And now look at you!"  Jessie's fingers brushed the
bruise on Hadji's face and she looked away, fighting back tears.  "How
could I have been so stupid?"
"No, Jessie," said Hadji firmly, turning her face back to his.  "You are
not to blame.  If anyone is at fault it is I.  Those men were using you to
get to me, and I'll never forgive myself for letting that happen."  Hadji's
voice choked with anger.  "Especially since I was both the reason for the
trap and the bait that got you involved."
"But why me?" Jessie wondered suddenly.  "Why didn't they kidnap your
mother or Dr. Quest or someone else important?"  Her eyes widened with
fear.  "Do you think they're next?"
Hadji squeezed her hand.  "I hope not, Jessie.  But I think they picked you
precisely because you are important.  You may not realize how much you mean
to me, but whoever is behind this obviously knows how to hurt me the most."
 His voice softened and he reached over to touch her cheek.  "I don't know
what I would do without you."
Jessie had never seen Hadji like this before.  His words surprised her, but
not nearly as much as her own feelings.  Her voice was a whisper,
Suddenly light streamed into the room, outlining a tall figure in the
doorway.  "Dad?" 
Hadji stood and backed away from the bed, and Jessie reluctantly let go of
his hand as her father bent to hug her.  "The doctor said you're going to
be fine, sweetheart," said Race.  "Thank goodness."
"No, thank Hadji," corrected Jonny from the doorway.  "How do you feel,
Jessie managed a weak grin.  "Slammin'!"
"The nurse says you'll be out of here in a couple of days," said Dr. Quest,
coming into the room.  "You have a concussion and some bruised ribs, but
nothing too serious."
"Is that all?  All that trouble and I didn't even break anything?"  Jessie
sighed.  "Sorry, guys." 
  "Don't be," said Race.  "It's a good thing Hadji knows CPR, or we really
would have been sorry."
"CPR?!"  Jessie exclaimed.  "What happened?"
"You nearly drowned, Jess," Jonny answered, taking her hand.  "When Hadji
pulled you out of the water, you were a goner.  And if it hadn't been for
him, you would have stayed that way."
"Wow," Jessie breathed.  "Thanks, Hadji.  I guess I really owe you one." 
Her voice was joking, but her gaze on Hadji was completely serious.  She
smiled wonderingly at him, her head spinning.  Could he possibly care as
much for me as I—
"We all do," said Race, resting his hand on Hadji's shoulder.  His thanks
were more than apparent in his eyes.  

Two days later Jessie was released from the hospital and returned to the
palace with the others.  In the van on the way back Race filled her in on
the details of her kidnapping.  The team had learned from questioning her
captors that the man responsible was a wealthy aristocrat named Murud
Valsad, but so far they had been unable to locate him.  As Jessie had
guessed, Valsad was not pleased with Hadji's reforms and sought to end
them.  When the assassination attempt failed, Valsad had decided to try
another tactic.  Fortunately, that too had been thwarted.  "But Dad,"
Jessie protested from the backseat, "don't you think he's going to try
something else?  He doesn't sound like the type who gives up easily."
"Yeah," Jonny agreed from the seat next to her.  "Anyone who doesn't quit
after one run-in with this family has got to be either really desperate or
really stupid."
"You are right, my friend, but Valsad is anything but stupid," said Hadji
grimly, frowning at the bruises on Jessie's face.  "He is a very dangerous
"Which is why we're gonna follow every lead until we catch this lunatic and
put a stop to him for good," Race said firmly.
For the next few days the Quest team spent most of their time
investigating.  Unfortunately, they met with little success.  With each
passing day the tension in the palace grew.  Everyone expected Valsad to
strike again, and their nervousness was heightened by the sense that they
could do nothing to prevent it.  Hadji was in turmoil.  He could hardly
concentrate for worrying about his friends, especially Jessie.  Every night
he woke several times from bad dreams and rushed to her room to make sure
she was all right.  He didn't understand why he was so torn apart by the
situation, for he had never been so scared on any of the many previous
occasions where their lives were endangered.  All he knew was that
something had to be done before he went insane with worry.
Hadji paced around his room like a prowling cat, deep in thought.  Until
Valsad and his men were apprehended no one close to him would be safe,
especially not Jessie.  They knew how important she was to him, and
obviously had no qualms about using her to get to him.  And if they had
tried it once they would do it again.  He had considered the problem from
every angle, and could see only one way to remedy the situation.  Hadji
stopped pacing and heaved a sigh of resignation.  "Oh, this is not good,"
he said to himself.  "Jessie is not going to be happy about this…"

Suddenly the peaceful silence of the palace was shattered by a commotion in
the west wing.  Fearing another assassination attempt, Jonny, Race, and Dr.
Quest sprang into action.  As they bolted down the corridor they heard
Jessie's voice raised in anger, and another accented male voice that
sounded familiar.  The three rounded the last corner and skidded to a halt
in the doorway to Jessie's room.
They hadn't recognized the male voice because they had never heard Hadji in
such a passion.  He and Jessie stood facing each other in her room, in the
midst of a heated argument.  Jessie's eyes were bright with angry tears,
her cheeks flushed and her fists clenched.  Hadji's dark eyes were
practically burning, and even from where they stood the others could see
his body shaking with feeling.  As Race and the Quests stared in
astonishment, Neela appeared in another doorway and stood watching with an
unreadable expression on her face.  Oblivious to their audience, Hadji and
Jessie continued their argument.
"I don't believe I'm hearing this!" Jessie fairly shouted.  "Are you really
telling me to leave?"
"Jessie, I am asking you to go someplace safer," Hadji said through
clenched teeth.  "It is for your own good."
"My own good?  What about you?"
"Never mind about me; I will be fine.  But you have been hurt too many
times because of me, and I won't let that happen again."
"Hadji, I can take care of myself!"
"I know, but I cannot allow you to risk your life for no reason—"
"It's my life, Hadji!  And I'm not risking it for no reason.  This is what
friends do!" Jessie's voice choked as she took a step closer to Hadji.  "If
our positions were reversed and I told you to leave, would you do it?" she
"No," replied Hadji reluctantly, "but that's different."
"How is it different?" cried Jessie.  "How is it fair that you can do what
you want with your life, but I can't stay to help my best friend?"
"Jessie, I can't let you do this!" Hadji cried desperately, gripping her
shoulders.  "Please, you must leave Bangalore!"
Jessie stared at him, stricken.  "You really want me to leave?"  Her voice
sounded small and defeated.
"I never said I wanted that," said Hadji.
"What do you want then?" Jessie flared again, shaking out of his hands.
"I want you to be safe.  I want you—" Hadji's voice broke off as he looked
at her.  Then suddenly he pulled her into his arms and kissed her full on
the lips.  For a moment Jessie stood startled, but then she wrapped her
arms around him and kissed him back.
In the doorway, three men stared open-mouthed at the spectacle.  Finally
Dr. Quest and Jonny gripped a shocked Race by the arms and led him away
from the scene.  Hadji and Jessie were still locked in an embrace as Neela
returned to her chamber, smiling to herself.

Finally Jessie and Hadji parted and looked at each other uncertainly.
"Wow," breathed Jessie softly, her anger forgotten.
"Jessie, I'm sorry," began Hadji miserably.  "I didn't want to hurt you. 
But now you see why I asked you to leave.  I love you, and I couldn't bear
to see you hurt again because of me."
Jessie's eyes shone with tears as she looked at him.  "Why didn't you tell
Hadji sighed.  "Because I didn't know myself, until it was almost too late.
 I have always been so absorbed in my duties that I never allowed myself to
think about anything else.  But when you were kidnapped I finally realized
how much I needed you.  When I thought you were dead…I wanted to die too." 
Hadji's eyes closed briefly, and he shuddered at the memory.  "Then I knew
that I loved you.  After that, I wanted to tell you but…I didn't want to
burden you when you have so much else to worry about.  I'm sorry, Jessie,"
he said again.  "I didn't mean for things to happen like this."
Jessie surprised him by smiling through her tears.  "I have to agree, your
timing stinks," she said.  "But I'm not sorry, because…I love you, too. 
Which is why," she continued firmly, "I am not leaving.  For the same
reasons you want me to go I am determined to stay."  Her voice softened as
she reached up to touch his face.  "I love you, Hadji, I need you, and I'm
not going to run away while someone is trying to kill you."
Hadji stared at her upturned face, his mind whirling.  Inside his heart was
soaring, but some part of him still wanted to make Jessie listen to reason.
 "But Jessie—" he began, not sure what else he could say.
Jessie cut him off with a gentle hand over his mouth.  "No more buts.  You
should know better than to argue with me," she said, moving closer.
As Jessie's arms went around his neck Hadji gave up all pretense of
listening to reason and for the first time in his life let himself be
guided only by his heart.

After Hadji left, Jessie lay down on her bed and stared up at the ceiling,
thinking.  Now that she knew both her heart and his, the threat of Valsad's
attacks weighed even more heavily.  What would she do if Valsad were
successful in his attempts to kill Hadji?
Jessie's thoughts were interrupted by a knock at her door.  "Come in," she
called absently.
Jonny stepped cautiously into the room.  "Hi, Jess."
"Hi, Jonny.  What's up?"  Jessie sat up on her elbows and patted the bed.
Jonny slowly came and sat down beside her.  "Um, is everything—I mean, uh,
are you and Hadji okay?" he asked nervously.
"Yeeessss," Jessie answered suspiciously, peering closely at him.  "Why?"
Jonny blushed and stammered, "We, uh, sort of, heard you guys arguing and,
uh, we thought it was Valsad or something, so we ran in and, um, well…"
Jonny's voice trailed off.
"Well, what?" Jessie asked impatiently, sitting up.
"Wesawyouguyskissing," Jonny finished in a rush.
Now it was Jessie's turn to blush.  "Oh, no.  Did Dad flip out?"
"He was pretty shocked," Jonny said.  "Actually, we all were.  Except
Neela, and—I have to admit—I kinda suspected you and Hadji were getting
closer.  You should have seen him the night you were kidnapped.  I mean, we
were all upset, but Hadji was dangerous."
Jessie smiled, but then her brow furrowed.  "Is it a bad thing, the two of
us?" she asked earnestly.
"No!" said Jonny seriously.  "We just weren't really prepared.  But," he
added, patting her hand, "I couldn't think of two better people for my best
friends to fall in love with than each other."
"Thanks, Jonny," said Jessie gratefully, giving him a quick hug.  "You're
the greatest."
"Before you tell the others, can I put in a request?" Jonny asked with a
hint of mischief in his eyes.  Jessie nodded.  "Do I get to be best man at
the wedding?"
"You're incorrigible, Jonny Quest!" Jessie laughed, hurling a pillow at his
lopsided grin.

Later that night the team was finishing their somewhat subdued and awkward
dinner when one of the palace guards rushed into the room.
"Please excuse me, Your Highness," he said breathlessly, "but we have just
received word that Hassan and his men have escaped from prison."
Race was on his feet in an instant, his troubled thoughts about his
not-so-little girl temporarily forgotten.  "What? How?"
"One of the jailers was bribed to free them," answered the guard.
"Valsad!" Hadji hissed grimly as the rest of the team shot to their feet.
        "Be careful!" Neela called after them, but they were already racing for
the helicopter.

        Within minutes after questioning the jailer the team was on the trail of
Hassan and his men.  Keeping the helicopter in stealth mode, Race landed
outside the warehouse district.  After radioing the police and the palace
guards as to their location, the team piled out of the helicopter and crept
towards the warehouse Hassan's gang had entered.
        "OK, kids," said Dr. Quest.  "Race and I are going to check out the
perimeter until the police get here.  You three stay here and wait for
        "Be careful, Dad," Jessie begged.
        "You, too, Pop," said Jonny.
        Race nodded, loading his weapon.  "And remember, you guys sit tight and
stay cool. Under no circumstances are you to follow us."  Jonny, Jessie,
and Hadji nodded their assent as Race and Dr. Quest melted into the

        Two minutes later the three teenagers crept along the wall of the
warehouse after their fathers.  "Hey, at least we have an excuse this
time," Jonny whispered defensively at Jessie's disapproving gaze.  "If we
don't stop that guard that went in the same direction as Race and Dad,
we're gonna have a serious situation."
        Hadji silenced him with a wave of his hand as the trio spotted the open
back door of the warehouse.  
        "Oh, no!  We're too late!" Jessie hissed in despair.  Race and Dr. Quest
stood just inside the storage room with their hands in the air.  The sentry
the kids had seen outside was pointing a gun at their backs, forcing them
to march forward.  Then the garage door began to lower.
        Without hesitation the three ran forward and rolled under the door, barely
reaching it before it slid to the ground.  Standing up quietly, they eyed
the guard heading for the next room.  As they watched, he reached for his
        Hadji and Jonny leaped on the guard at the same time, and Jessie caught
his gun as he fell.  The boys lowered him to the ground silently and tied
him up while Dr. Quest checked his radio.  
        Race turned to Jessie.  "I thought I told you to stay put," he whispered
        "We tried," Jonny explained, "but when we saw that guy go after you we
figured you'd need some backup."
        "And since it looks like we're stuck in here," Hadji added, indicating the
closed back door, "we may as well help you find Valsad and make sure he
doesn't leave before the police get here."
        "I suppose you wouldn't listen if we tried to persuade you not to come,"
Dr. Quest sighed resignedly.
        "Nope," Jessie answered, shrugging her shoulders.

        Race poked his head cautiously around the corner to see a group of
unsavory men gathered on the far side of the room.  Motioning for the
others to follow, he quickly slipped behind a stack of crates in the
corner.  Silently the Quest team peeked over the tops of the crates.
        Valsad stood with several of his bodyguards, addressing Hassan and his
men, who were all still bandaged and limping from the injuries they
sustained during Jessie's rescue.
"Didn't we just leave this party?" muttered Jessie under her breath as she
peered at her one-time captors.
        Valsad waved a clenched fist in the air.  "I have been thwarted by that
wretched sultan and his friends for the last time!  Now I shall finally
have all the power and wealth promised to me by Vikram himself, before that
miserable brat murdered him. You must not fail me again!  Do whatever it
takes, but I want the sultan and everyone near him dead by tomorrow!"
The Quest team gave a collective gasp.
        "What we have here is what you'd call a situation," observed Race bluntly.
        "So what's the plan?" asked Jonny in a whisper.
        "The plan is, we wait for the police backup and then we bust these bozos."
        "But Race—"
        Before Jonny could finish, a rat scurried noisily out from under the
crates where they were hiding.  
        "What was that?"  Hassan and the others turned in the direction of the
        Everyone ducked back behind the crates, but it was too late.  They had
been spotted.
        "Get them!" shouted Valsad as his men ran towards the hidden observers.
        "So much for Plan A," muttered Race.  "Time for Plan B!"  He leaned his
full weight against the crates, sending them crashing down on the
approaching men.  Most of the men dodged out of the way, but two were
pinned down under the heavy cargo.  The Quest team spread out in a line,
ready to face the six remaining men.
        Race opted for the surprise tactic.  "Heads up, ugly!" he shouted,
springing into the air with his leg extended.  Meanwhile, the other members
of the Quest team were similarly engaged.  Valsad stood with his last
bodyguard and watched in horror as his hired thugs met their matches.  Race
finished his first man instantly with a well-placed kick and immediately
set to work on a second.  "Incoming, Benton!" he warned, and Dr. Quest took
out a man with a bandaged head, noting his son's earlier work.  Jonny
struggled with one of Valsad's bodyguards, while Hadji dispatched another. 
Jessie had the pleasure of facing her friend with the broken jaw. 
Unfortunately, he remembered all too well their last encounter on the boat,
and a calculated fist in the ribs brought Jessie to her knees.    
        "Jessie!" Race and Hadji cried simultaneously, then looked at each other
in surprise.
        But Jessie could take care of herself.  She quickly dodged his next punch
and swung her foot across the floor, sweeping his legs.  The thug crashed
to the ground face first, and Jessie made sure he stayed down.
His men defeated, Valsad faced his enemies.
"Party's over, sicko," Race said firmly.  "Come along nicely now and we'll
see that you get what's coming to you.  You're gonna pay for threatening my
"I don't think so, soldier," Valsad sneered, and his bodyguard pulled out
an automatic.  The Quests stepped back, and Hadji swiftly pulled Jessie
behind him.
"It's me you're after, Valsad," Hadji said angrily.  "Let the others go. 
They have nothing to do with this."
Valsad laughed.  "You're right, Your Highness, they don't."  He, too,
pulled a gun and aimed it at Hadji.  "Which is why they're staying here
while you come with me.  We have some business to discuss."  He motioned
Hadji to follow him.
Hadji hesitated, and the bodyguard aimed his gun at Jonny's head.  Glancing
at his family, Hadji went to stand next to Valsad.  His eyes held Jessie's
as Valsad instructed the bodyguard to imprison his friends.  Then he went
at gunpoint out of the room.
Jessie leaped forward to follow, but Jonny held her back.  The bodyguard
indicated with the tip of his gun another door, and the prisoners were
starting towards it when a gunshot split the silence.
"Hadji!" Jessie screamed.  She ran after him as the bodyguard, momentarily
distracted, lowered his gun.  Jonny followed while Race and Dr. Quest
disarmed their captor.
Jessie skidded to a halt in the next room.  Valsad lay on the ground,
clutching his leg.  Hadji stood calmly over the man who had tried to kill
him.  "It is over, Valsad," he said.  "You lost."
Relieved, Jessie flung herself into Hadji's arms as the others arrived. 
Race bent to tie up the wounded aristocrat.  "You're lucky there's
witnesses," he growled, "or you'd be wishing you were never even born."

The Quest team could breathe freely for the first time in weeks as they
stepped out of the warehouse.  They were met by approaching vehicles with
flashing lights.  "Here come the cavalry!"  Jessie pointed.
"Just after the nick of time, I believe," said Hadji amusedly.

That night seemed positively dull after the excitement of the past few
weeks.  The Quest team sat in the now peaceful palace, finally able to
enjoy their well-deserved vacation.
Hadji leaned over and took Jessie's hand.  "Would you like to take a walk
in the garden?  I don't think you got the right impression the first time."
 Jessie grinned and let him lead her outside.
Hand in hand, they walked along the well-kept paths.  Jessie leaned against
Hadji, staring up at the stars.  She breathed a sigh of contentment as
Hadji smiled and slipped his arm around her waist.  "This is definitely an
improvement over the last time I was here," she murmured happily, resting
her head on his shoulder.

THE END, or so it is written in the Book of Rage.  As Race would say, you
can stick a fork in this, 'cause it's done!      : )
Oh, yeah, and don't forget to check out the illustration for this fic (it's
the scene after the showdown with Valsad) at Wendy's amazing Eraser Dust JQ
Art Gallery!

(c) IRIS 1998