DISCLAIMR: No own, no $ l own every dinosaur or dragon mentioned in this
entire fic. l also own Kitfox and Direwolf.

ARCHIVERS: Take it, take it, oh, please! Or, not. l don't care.

"The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest"
       'Mystery of the Amazon'
               Part Nine

  The voice was her own, coming from a girl behind her who was a total
mirrored image of Jessie, save the Samurai armor.
  "Are you Kitfox?"
  "l am. Who are you?"
  "l'm Jessie."
  "Where is the other?"
  "The legends speak of two. Where is the other?"
  "Oh, Jonny. He must be around here somewhere. We were separated when
Breetho and Wraith dropped us."
  "Did you say, 'Breetho and Wraith?"
  "Uh, yeah."
  "Were they in this area?"
  "l don't know. Breetho dropped me in this bush and kept going. l heard
Wraith shreek and assumed Jonny got dropped somewhere. Where's Direwolf?"
  "l do not know. He probably went off to find your friend. l am acually
glad he left for a while. Even though he is my brother, he can be very
annoying sometimes."
  "l heard that, sister."
  "Direwolf, have you found the other?" said Kitfox, ignoring her brother's
  "Yes. He says his name is Jonny. it is accually facinating that he looks
  "Quiet, brother. Come out of hiding."
  Jessie's eyes widened as she saw a boy looking exactly like Jonny with
Samurai armor came out of the bushes followed by Jonny, miserably plucking
gorse prickles off of himself.
  Both took on the same surprised expression. Jonny when he saw Kitfox,
Direwolf when he saw Jessie.
  Kitfox smiled "Wota nadong Zokna. Welcome to Dinoshatimil."

(c) Jade Falcon 1997