Part Three. Same disclaimer applies.

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The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest
   ''Mystery of the Amazon''
        by Jade Falcon
        Part Three

  Jonny had taken a similar way as Jessie, with two troodons
in pursuit.
  He jumped over logs, ducked under thorn bushes, and ran
right through the thickest bushes, but nothing seemed to
slow the troodons down. They followed him through every
  Jonny heard a swoosh and two painful shrieks. He felt a sharp
blow to the back of his head, and fell, unconscious.

  He woke up facedown in the dirt. He quickly rolled onto his back,
to see a pair of large brown eyes staring back at him. He jumped to his 
feet to see that they belonged to a creature who stood six feet tall
on four legs. lts neck and tail were very long, with a small rudder
on its tail. It had five spikes going down the length of the back of its
neck, with a small horn at the base of the front of its neck, looking 
somewhat like an eight turned sideways. lt topped off a fearsome
display of spikes that covered its entire chest, spike points down,
so not to stab anything in front of it. lts head and snout were long
and narrow, much like a troodon's. lt had a gentle smile and soft,
brown eyes, despite its fearsome appearance.
  lts wings, now folded, were at least four times as long as the creature,
and it was at least twelve feet long! The wings were not like what
Jonny expected, scaly and bat-like, but they were feathered and
bird-like, with the exeption of a small claw on the middle of the
top of the wing. The wings themselves were orange, with rainbow
colored flightfeathers, which seemed appropriate for this creature,
being that it, too, was multicolored, with the exception of the tail
the horn on its neck, the spikes on its chest, a small area on the 
underside of its wings, the claw on its wings, and the claws on his
hands and feet, which were yellow. lts legs and arms were a dull
  To Jonny, this thing looked like a dragon.
  He screamed and slowly backed away. The dragon screamed
in, to Jonny's surprise, a very humanlike voice. This must mean it
can talk, too, Thought Jonny. He decided to try it '' Why'd you scream,
  The dragon looked at him blankly for a moment, but responded '' l
only because you startled me. lt is not every day we Saurians*** see a
  ''Yeah, well it's not every day we humans see a dragon.''

*TROODON: (TROH-oh-don) A small theropod, about three feet tall, Troodon,
when in its normal pack-hunting, could easily bring down prey up to five
its size.

**STENONYCHOSAURUS: (STEN-oh-NY-cho-SAW-rus) A very close relative
of Troodon, Stenonychosaurus was another small, pack-hunting theropod
capable of bringing down prey much larger than itself.

***SAURIAN: (SAW-ri-AN) A dinosaur suborder, but in the case of my story,
the name of a clan.

(((Troodon & Stenonychosaurus from part two, forgot to put them in.)))

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