DISCLAIMR: I do not own JQ characters. I own all the other characters.


 The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest
        "Mystery of the Amazon"
                Part Thirteen

  "Hey, what's in there?"
  Jonny motioned to a dark room with no door with some outlines of small
objects. Jessie brought a torch in from the hallway. Her eyes widened as
she saw the contents of the room.
  "Well, Jonny, there's your answer."
  The room was full of small explosives with the size, shape, and weight of
a hockey puck. As she examined it, she saw they had no timer.
  After searching the room for awhile, she found a box full of remote
  She went to the doorway, grabbed a backpack hanging by the wall, and
stuffed it with explosives and put one detonator in the outside pocket.
  "What do you need those for??"
  "Just in case."
  They left the room and continued down the hallway. At the end of the
hallway were two large doors. One was open a crack, which was more than
enough room for them to squeeze through.
  They recieved quite a shock when they entered the room. The wall of
monitors to the left, the keyboards and screens to the right. The room was
filled with complex computers and machinery.
  "Whoa," commented Jonny. "Where'd the dinos get the computers?"
  "I don't know, but I hope they enjoyed them while they had them."
  Jessie reached for the backpack on her shoulders and started setting the
explosives. They put one on each computer and some in  a cave down the hall
as a trap for Elana.
  Jonny had just set the last one as Elana burst through the door.
  "So," she mocked. "You are the mighty foretold ones? You children? Ha!"
  Jessie glared at Elana. For a Quetzalcoatlus, she was big. Fifty feet
tall to be exact. Elana went on.
  "You children will die where you stand," She turned to Jonny. "starting
with you!"
  "Maybe not, Elana!" Jessie challenged. "The Legends don't foretell of
*us* dying, do they?"
  Elana turned from Jonny and stalked towards Jessie. Jessie backed towards
the direction of the cave.
  "I don't seem to recall much of *us* dying in the Legends," Jessie went
on."I hear more of *you* dying!"
  Elana lunged at Jessie, who ducked and ran for the cave and crawled into
the small entrance.There was an exit in the back of the cave, and she
started for it. But when she got there, she found there were two Troodons
digging at the stone floor of the cave, chipping it away. Jessie started
back to the entrance, but Elana was there, digging at the dirt floor,
inching her way into the cave. Elana once lashed at Jessie with her beak,
but Jessie had kicked her, and she had backed out of the cave screeching in
pain, but was soon back to digging again.
  Jessie backed away from Elana, and her head hit something hard. When she
looked up, she realized it wasn't a rock, but one of the explosives. The
green light was on, indicating it was ready.
  Jessie glanced around the cave and saw there were many more green lights
throughout the cave.
  She looked at Elana, then at the explosive mounted on the ceiling.She
crawled to a place as far as from any green lights as possible, pulled the
detonator out of her pocket, closed her eyes, and pushed the button.
  The ones nearest her went off first. She left her place to meet Elana
  "What's happening?!" Elana asked when she saw Jessie.
  Jessie said nothing. She just smiled and held up the detonator.
  "Are you crazy?! You'll kill us both!!"
  "If that's the case," Jessie replied coldly. "I'll see you in Hell."
  Elana slashed at Jessie with her wing, to insure Jessie a quick death,
but Jessie dodged and a pile of boulders collapsed on Elana, leaving only
her wing visible. The Legends were fulfilled.
  Jessie took cover under Elana's wing and braced herself for the oncoming
  Outside, Jonny watched from a distance as the computers exploded, then
turned back to the cave and watched it collapse. He knew Jessie was in
there, and was praying that she was alive.
  Jonny turned to the new voice."Isthilli?"
  "Where is Jessie?"
  Jonny said nothing. He just pointed at the rubble that was once the cave.
The Troodons had escaped and were staring at all that was visible of Elana.
The end of her tail.
  Yamishuru glided in through The doors and landed beside Jonny.
  "So. The tyrannic Elana is no more."
  "Yeah," added Jonny sadly. "And Jessie might be, too."
  Just then, the rocks shifted, and Elana's hand rose out of the rubble,
followed by her wing.
  "It.....it cannot be!" Isthilli cried.
  "No pterosaur could have survived that!" Yamishuru added.
  Elana's wing continued to rise, and Isthilli, Yamishuru, and Jonny
watched as Jessie continued to push Elana's wing up out of the rocks. She
was covered in dirt and pretty scratched up, but other than that, she
seemed fine. She dropped Elana's wing, and it fell limply on the rocks.
  "Jessie!" Jonny threw his arms around her. "Don't ever scare me like that
  A little startled at first, Jessie retuned the embrace. "I don't plan
  Jessie felt a slight hand with rather large claws on her shoulder. She
turned and looked directly into the face of a Troodon.
  "You have freed me and my kind. How can I repay you?"
  Jessie turned to Jonny, who turned to the Troodon.
  "We were seperated from our fathers. Do you know where they are?"
  The Troodon thought for a moment, told Jonny and Jessie to wait, and
retuned with Race on his right and Dr. Quest on his left.
  "Elana had insisted we captured them as prisoners."
  Jonny and Jessie ran into thier father's arms.
  "Hey, Ponchita, how'd you get here?"
  Jessie stepped aside to reveal Isthilli.
  "Dad, this is Isthilli. He's helped us the whole time we were here."
  Race stepped forward and extended his hand jokingly.
  "Nice to meet ya, Isthilli."
  To Race's surprise, Isthilli spoke.
  "The pleasure is all mine."
  For good measure, Isthilli shook Race's outstretched hand, turned, and
went to meet Dr. Quest.
  "You didn't tell me he could talk!" Race said.
  Jessie shrugged. "All dragons can."

  After Race and Dr. Quest had met all the dinosaurs and dragons, they left
to go see Kitfox and Direwolf.
  When they saw the Samurai, they were slightly shocked, even though they
were prepared.
  After the visit with the Samurai, Isthilli called two of his dragon
friends to carry Race and Dr. Quest to an airstrip he knew of right outside
the forest. He carried Jonny and Jessie himself.
  After they were all at the airstrip, Isthilli said goodbye and
disappeared back into the forest.
  Now, the Pterosaurians were without a leader, and Yamishuru, himself
being a pterosaur, became the king of the now reformed Pterosaurians.

        THE END (Geez, I never thought I'd see that on this fic!)

(c) Jade Falcon 1998